
How To Configure My Shipping Settings? (For Sellers)

You can configure your shipping settings in your seller dashboard.

To do that:

  1. Sign in to and go to your Dashboard.
  2. Go to Shipping Settings.
  3. Add Shipping Zone, e.g. Domestic.
  4. Add Region, e.g. Switzerland.
  5. Add Shipping Method, e.g. Free Shipping.
  6. Add Shipping Class, e.g. Standard Shipping.
  7. Add Shipping Delivery Time, e.g. 2-5 Business Days.

Then go and update your products with your shipping information

To do that:

  1. Go to your product.
  2. Click Edit Details.
  3. Scroll down to the Shipping Section.
  4. Update your shipping class and delivery time.
  5. Save the product.

I still need help

If you did the above and you still have issues, then hit contact support at the bottom of this page and we'll resolve it quickly.

Still have questions?

If you still have a question, you can submit a support request here. Kaufpedia kontaktieren

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