Orders & Returns

Wrong Delivery Address on an Order

If you moved and forgot to update your Kaufpedia account, or you misspelled the address to send a gift to, don’t worry! You can contact the seller and ask for sending your items to the new address for your order before it’s dispatched, as long as the new address is not in a different country.

Ask the vendor to send the items to the new address after you placed an order

If you placed an order with an incorrect delivery address, first check that your order hasn’t been dispatched yet:

  1. Sign in to kaufpedia.ch
  2. Click the Orders > Select your order by clicking on Details.
  3. There the bottom of your order page you'll see if the order has been shipped. Or you'll be notified by email when the order has been shipped. 

My order is Not Shipped yet

If your item is Not Shipped yet, you can contact the shop to update your address on the order or cancel your order from the order page only if the payment has not been made yet.

My order was already Shipped

If your item is Shipped, check with the seller to see if they are able to offer a replacement or refund. Each seller has its own policies. If the seller agrees to a refund you can send a request from Refund Page.

If your package is missing, most delivery services require that the sender open a claim. If this is the case, you may need to ask the seller to assist you.

Change the delivery address or add a new one during checkout

You can update your address when you checkout on kaufpedia.ch:

  1. Add an item(s) to your basket.
  2. Click Cart.
  3. Click Continue to checkout.
  4. Sign in to your Kaufpedia account if you haven’t already.
  5. Under Shipping information, check that the address you want your order dispatched to is correct. If it isn’t correct, click on the three dots on the side -> Edit.
  6. Select a delivery address or click Add a new address to enter a new address. 
  7. Continue with the payment process to place the order.

If you still need help, Kaufpedia Support is here to assist.

Still have questions?

If you still have a question, you can submit a support request here. Contact Support

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